
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to instill positive and uplifting emotions.

Inhale, rub on the back of your neck, over your heart, or on your solar plexus chakra, the seat of your healthy sense of power in the world.

Here are some of my favorite oils for self-empowerment:

Believe™ contains Idaho Blue Spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir, Frankincense, and other essential oils that may encourage feelings of strength and faith when used aromatically.

Envision™ contains scents that stimulate feelings of creativity and resourcefulness, encouraging renewed faith in the future and the strength necessary to achieve your dreams.

Rise above life’s concerns with Freedom. Start your day with refreshing notes and ground tones of this blend on your temples to inspire feelings of freedom from everyday stresses. Freedom’s relaxing aroma will rejuvenate you and inspire confident feelings to step into your day with emotional freedom!

At the end of the day, put a drop of this relaxing, earthy aroma on your pillow to help with occasional restlessness or sleeplessness.

Gary’s Light™ is created to enlighten our minds to a greater awareness of truth and discernment.

The combination of oils with a rich history of ancient use and more newly discovered ones results in a fascinating array of different constituents that support various physical and emotional needs.

The smooth, elegant and balanced aroma gives a calming feeling of strength that makes you feel grounded and protected while filling your heart with joy and peace.

Highest Potential™ harnesses the uplifting and inspiring power of Blue Cypress and other pure essential oil scents.

Which oil blend calls to you?

Into the Future™ is an inspirational blend of essential oils that creates an invigorating aromatic companion as you look toward your life’s goals and dreams.

D. Gary Young formulated Journey On™ for the World Peace Caravan, to unite others in bringing peace to the world.

This herbaceous blend includes  Dream Catcher™, ImmuPower™ and Motivation™, along with Copaiba, Cinnamon Bark, and Peppermint essential oils.

Its beautiful, grounding aroma is meant to inspire people to celebrate what makes us unique and show greater understanding and compassion for one another. Use this blend for your personal journey toward peace, spirituality and whole-life wellness.


Get motivated and have the confidence to pursue your dreams and goals, with the powerful blend of Roman chamomile flower oil†, Black spruce leaf oil† , Ylang ylang flower oil, and Lavender† oil in Motivation™. 

Diffuse Motivation to surround yourself with the scent of action and accomplishment.

†100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil

Transformation™ includes powerful essential oils that come together like a band of super heroes to empower you to replace negative beliefs with uplifting thoughts when diffused.

Transformation™ is blended from the therapeutic grade essential oils of Lemon peel, Peppermint, Royal Hawaiian™ sandalwood, Clary, Sacred frankincense, Idaho blue spruce branch/leaf/wood, Cardamom seed, Ocotea leaf, and  Palo santo wood oil.

Valor’s woodsy scent comes from a blend of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense.

Use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to unwind at the end of the day. Said to have been based on a recipe used by Roman soldiers before they went into battle, its powerful yet calming scent is known for reminding people of their inner confidence.

This in-demand oil is difficult to keep in stock, so orders are limited to one bottle per account per month. Order your bottle today!

Support your confidence and self-esteem with these oils