Breathe easier while staying safe
It’s funny, but you never really think much about breathing.
Until it’s all you ever think about.
~Tim Winton

Eucalyptus oil has been used to support a healthy respiratory system for centuries.
Eucalyptus Blue is a special variety of euclayptus, grown and distilled on Young Living’s farm in Ecuador. This essential oil is high in eucalyptol, which has a calming and invigorating scent when diffused.

Be Powered by Peppermint!
Peppermint essential oil has an invigorating effect, encouraging us to inhale deeply. This aromatic pep-up can give you a boost of positivity.
Because it is so potent, use peppermint sparingly – be sure that it is at the lower end of your mask and not up near your eyes, as peppermint can have fumes which might cause eye watering. Only put it on the outside of the mask, not on the inside.

Renew your respiratory system with the cooling sensation of Raven essential oil blend.
Made with the cooling oils of peppermint and wintergreen, the cleansing oil of lemon, the stimulating and rejuvenating oil of eucalyptus and the uniquely relaxing ravintsara essential oil, the very scent of Raven encourages deep breathing as you naturally want to breathe in its invigorating aroma.
This cooling and relaxing oil blend is ideal to rub on the outside and/or inside of a face mask. You’ll feel uplifted knowing that you are supporting your healthy breathing environment.

With its blend of three varieties of Eucalyptus, cypress, spruce and other natural essential oils, R.C.™ is ideal for supporting healthy respiration. Take a nice deep breath… inhale…exhale. Aaahhh.